• NanoTag

    Microdots for Asset Security and Identification

    What are NanoTags?

    NanoTags are made of nickel, octagon‐shaped, 6‐10 microns thin and 0.3mm to 0.5mm across.


    One side features a micro image of a personalised brand, created to order. This is a hologram‐like nano image displaying changes of colour under different viewing angles. Technically not a hologram, it is known as an “optically variable device” or OVD. A real hologram viewed under a microscope is seen as a meaningless grey mass of micro-particles, but NanoTags under a microscope reveal the branding in fine details and brilliant colours.

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    Samples of NanoTags front and reverse on a dark background (actual size of tags ‐ 0.5mm) viewed under x100 portable microscope.

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    Samples of customised NanoTags front (the brands: Yamaha and Checkpoint, actual size of tags ‐ 0.3mm and 0.5mm)

    The Security Identification Code (SIC) is etched physically through the body of the nickel tag. The same SIC is repeated through the thousands of NanoTags contained in each personalised set or batch of NanoTag products, mixed with special proprietary adhesives or embedded into the body of plastics. Once the mixture of tags and adhesives (or plastics) becomes dry and solid, the encased NanoTags become resistant to water, most chemicals and environments.


    The tags on their own are extremely robust and chemically resistant. They can withstand temperatures of over 1,000°C without oxidizing and have a melting point of 1,453 ·C.  

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    Test of NanoTags heated up to 1000°C (left).

    Note: the adhesive is gradually burns away, but the Tags remain clean, adhered to the surface and retaining all the information

    NanoTag’s system supersedes earlier micro dot technology, which up until recently was based on using a plastic substrate as the carrier of data. Plastic substrates leave the micro‐dots vulnerable to rapid deterioration, which starts at temperatures above 150 °C, and then leading to gradual loss of all information and completely burning at 350 °C, while the NanoTag tags remain intact.

    How are NanoTags found on marked items and how are codes read?

    NanoTags are supplied suspended in a variety of adhesives, each tailored for various applications, and all of which contain UV trace elements. Once any of the adhesives have dried they become transparent and virtually invisible. Finding the areas where NanoTag products have been applied is easy; one simply needs to shine a UV torch and the UV trace elements in the dried adhesive glow in this light. Once the adhesive is located you know NanoTags are contained within that area.

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    UV light detects the tagged spot on a vehicle brakes (middle and left) and NanoTags visible within the spot.

    Once NanoTags have been detected it is easy to see the brand logo and SIC number on tags through a portable or digital microscope or a microscope‐camera.

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    Various types of portable scopes with LED, and VT‐101 microscope‐camera

    What are commonly used application methods of NanoTags on the commercial market?

    Four classes of applicators are specifically designed for common use: wand, tube, aerosol spray and labels.


    1. NanoTag DNA Wand


    The NanoTag Wand (left) contains Water‐based proprietary adhesive mixed with tags dispensed by a micro pump delivery system through a soft brush. It is used to mark assets and small items, which don’t require fast drying time. Once the adhesive dries, it encapsulates the tags in a clear coat resistant to water and solvents.


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    The NanoTag Wand contains thousands of microscopic NanoTags which can be quickly and covertly applied onto various parts of any asset, with one wand providing approximately 100 spot markings. Each tiny metal NanoTag (as tiny as 0.3mm) has chemically etched alphanumeric ID code like a unique DNA fingerprint, a multicolour hologram, and can be custom branded with a client logo.


    NanoTags are difficult for theives to find and impossible to replicate. The special UV-trace adhesive dries clear and fast, and is visible to police (via simple UV light) when investigating and prosecuting genuine proof of ownership.


    2. NanoTag DNA Tube


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    The NanoTag Tube is a compact, high-precision marking solution designed for targeted asset protection.


    By squeezing the tube, the specially formulated paste can be smoothly applied to various surfaces, ensuring a secure and inconspicuous mark.


    Each application contains microscopic NanoTags, uniquely engineered with chemically etched alphanumeric ID codes, multicolour holograms, and optional client-specific branding. A single tube provides enough material for approximately 50 precise applications.



    3. Aerosol Spray Can


    NanoTag aerosol spray cans are available in two varieties: water‐based (Eco) and also solvent‐based (Rapid) proprietary adhesives. Ideal for application on motor vehicles, heavy equipment and other assets with large surfaces that need to be marked quickly.

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    4. High Security Label


    NanoTag high‐security label (Ghost Label) have been designed to address the market of tagging personal effects like mobiles, laptops, cameras, etc. These stickers combine overt and covert security, with the NanoTags encased in a clear film and able to be viewed under a x60 microscope.

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    The stickers carry a customised text (visible under UV light) and Security Identification Code (SIC) printed for visual identification.


    How are NanoTags applied to woven and paper labels?


    NanoTag has patented products and methods of application of NanoTags on woven (fabric) labels and paper hang‐tags. NanoTag High Security Fusion Tape is supplied in 100m rolls (3mm wide), where one roll can mark an average of 1,200 woven labels.

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    The fused clear strip, containing several NanoTags per label, is embedded into woven labels or apparel and can withstand over 50 washing/drying cycles with temperatures up to 650 degree.


    The tape is fused into the back or front of woven labels using industry standard factory equipment. Paper hang‐tags and labels are marked with patented NanoTag High Security (NTHS) Thermo Powder – using standard professional printing facilities for silkscreen and thermo transfer printing. NTHS Thermo Powder is best applied as small unobtrusive spots (can be in the shape of a logo) and can be combined with clear or coloured printing inks.